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Embed site or allow HTML Header and Body for profiles to allow RSS etc..

So some sites require you to own the site or at least be able to add their HTML tag into the or . So there’s a few workarounds when creating RSS feeds since currently Roundups doesn’t seem to support it natively and even then Pinterest and other sites would still require this tag since obviously we can’t claim ownership of roundups. 1) Allow the site to be able to be embedded (This seems one of the easiest way to get this going right now). We could embed directly to our sites, setup our own RSS and Pinterest or whoever else uses our website to verify ownership will allow the RSS since it is scanning our site directly not the embedded pages, links etc. 2) Allow that our “Profile” pages EXAMPLE: https://roundups.ai/DNPL be allowed to insert and code. This would allow us to add our own codes as we need them for this landing spot (for me mostly the tags needed so it gets accepted by Pinterest)

Phillip 2 days ago